Second day of school and I cabot school half way. I went for dental appointment to get my braces tighten. It hurts more than ever now cause the dentist decided to go for a thicker wire. Okay, enough about my braces.

Remember when I said TAF was going to be abolished this year? Well, they really did it. No more Trim and Fit Programme. But guess what they came up with? Wellness Programme. Instead of just the overweight students, they have the underweight students as well.

The plus-sized people should teach the skinny people how to eat, and the skinny people should teach the plus-sized people how to gorge out their food.

Ho ho ho.

Good idea eh? I don't know if it'll work but I have to go for this year's programme. I want to be able to fit into that dress I bought in US for Prom Night. And also not forgetting the fact that I made a contract with the PE teachers. I have no choice but to go if not I'll end up in the Vice Principal's office.

VP: Why are you here?
Me: They sent me here cause I didn't go for the Wellness Programme.
VP: Why didn't you go?
Me: Cause I think it's stupid?
VP: You're suspended.

Can you imagine a conversation like that? What can they do to me anyway? Suspend me for being fat and not wanting to exercise?

Me: I'm suspended from school.
Mom: APASAL????!!!
Me: I didn't exercise.

I'm already rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. Hilarious. I can't wait to get out of this whole system we've been stuck in for 18 years.