Love will Save the Day

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

While everyone was queuing up for free ice-cream, getting fat, Zahrah and I walked home from school. Shariffah Zahrah, there was a reason why God united us together again after the 4 years of separation. We talked about everything we wanted to talk about. Playing shoot, shag or marry while climbing the slope, and singing our hearts out despite cars screeching past us certainly brought back memories.

We were walking along Sun Plaza Park when I saw the swings. I looked at Zahrah and she looked at me back. Next thing we knew, we were high up in the sky swinging our legs out.

Yours truly.

Zahrah being the happy girl she is.

To cap the day off, we saw the Indian uncle who owns the Mama shop behind Qiaonan Primary. We just laughed when we saw him. It was too fun reminiscing our childhood.

Thanks Zahrah.

posted by sharmee at 6:52 PM 0 comments

A Silent Prayer for You

Monday, April 28, 2008

My heart breaks each time I hear your name. Finally, I realised why people were asking so much about you over the weekend.

Intuition saves the day.

posted by sharmee at 3:49 PM 0 comments

Great Spy Is LOVE!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A father and son were sent a concentration camp. After two weeks, the son was to be hanged for trying to escape. A sadistic guard came up to the father and told him to kick the chair that the son was standing on for him to die. If not, the guard would kill an innocent prisoner and then kill the son. What would you do?

Mr Nathan: Okay class, what would you do? How many of you would kill your son?

I raised my hand.

Mr Nathan: Oh my! I wouldn't want to be your son. You better not have kids, Sham.

The class continued to debate whether or not the father should kill his own son and bear the guilt. Suddenly, I raised my hand and waited patiently for Mr Nathan's response.

Me: You know what I'd do, Mr Nathan? I'd tell my son to go to the toilet and then tell the guard to give him 11 minutes.

And the whole class burst out laughing. For once, my joke was hit in the class. Even Sari Idayu said so.

So Sarah and I headed for The Great Spy Experiment's first solo concert and I must say I changed that girl's total perspective about them. Ho hum! We had great fun but the night was too memorable for me to describe in detail. Just that the whole band is already attached and Sarah's devastated cause she has a huge major crush on Fandy the drummer.

Oh yes, that crush of hers made a very tickling Minah joke during the concert.

Saiful: Ok Fandy, it's time for one of your Minah jokes.

Fandy: Ok set! Which mat likes to play with the washing machine?

Crowd: Ummm.... (Me: Mat cuci baju?)


I laughed so hard cause I thought it was funny. Apparently, it's lame. I think Fandy and I are on the same frequency.

Don't ever regret anything you did because at one point of time, it was exactly what you wanted.

posted by sharmee at 1:01 PM 0 comments

An Inspiring Post

Thursday, April 24, 2008

During the 2004 tsunami disaster that hit various parts of the world, Singaporeans joined other humanitarian efforts to rescue the victims. A team of Singaporeans representing the nation came across a rumble that was once a house. They dug and dug, and found a couple, hugging each other so dearly, fighting for their their survival in hope of love despite the chaos. When the paramedics came to separate the two heavily decomposed bodies, they found three small bodies in between the deceased couple - their children. And this made the toughest of man cry.

For all the hatred in the world, love still exists in the heart.

When I listened to this story at the end of a Fityan meeting, I nearly came to tears. I was tempted to just let go of my emotions but I held back, knowing that I must not be overtly sensitive. Thinking back, I do believe love exists.

Nothing will set love back, not even rational thinking.

It's time I put an end to my excuses.

posted by sharmee at 12:03 AM 0 comments

A Really Sober Night

Thursday, April 17, 2008

MCS Meeting: 16 April 2008, 1415 hrs

Agent Shamsydar was sitting in the front row of the class while listening to Agent Sari addressing the other agents about the Highly Confidential Scary Movie Marathon. She turned her back so that she could see the other junior agents behind her. While discussing what movie to screen, one of the junior agents suggested a recent film that bears no horror but comedy.

Junior Agent: Eh! Jangan Pandang Belakang ah!

Agent Shamsydar: Oh.. Okay ahh.. Aku pandang depan!

Class 2B Lesson 1: 16 April, 1555 hrs

Agent Shamsydar just finished her fourth attempt at Practical 1. Finally after wasting money and losing calories to riding lessons, she passed her Practical 1.

She jumped around for joy as though she got straight As.

The other mats around Agent Shamsydar thought, "Eh eh si diek ni, belom amek Theory Test daa bangge."


Okay, enough of this agent thingies. I was watching Con-Air just now and I got inspired. I didn't realise how hot Nicholas Cage is until I watched the movie for the umpteenth time.

GP was great, especially when you're watching a movie that sums an entire months worth of teaching. Gattaca is the movie to watch if you think genetic engineering is a great invention, blah blah and all that shit. Although the movie was set in a 'not-so-distant' future, they don't have flying cars (aka hover cars), and apparently, lasik surgery too. Vincent is a normal sickly guy who is rich enough to pay a crippled genetically engineered smart ass for his blood, pee, finger print - basically his life - but he can't afford lasik eye surgery. Thus contact lenses were used in replacement for his almost-blind vision.

Where did all that imagination go to, Hollywood?

The sad thing is, Gattaca showed that people will no longer have a sense of fashion. Everyone goes to work in black suits with a white shirt or blouse. So in the not-so-distant future, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Miu Miu and loads of other high fashion designers will be designing the same old shit - black pencil skirts, black maxi dresses, black pants and etc. Then finally, fashion magaizes will start saying that Black is the New Black.

Laugh with me, or at me, I won't be bothered. Watching Gattaca made me excited about the future of mankind.

Speaking of mankind, History lecture almost made me cry. Watching the 'Make Poverty History' campaign video done by a high school kid can possibly make anyone cry.

If anyone can tell me where I can get this wrist band, please leave a message. I'm still bitter about my Livestrong wristbands being confiscated by the school 4 years back. I'm a person who campaigns for a good cause.

I want this minus the hairy hands.

I can't wait for tomorrow. School spirit, ya'll!

posted by sharmee at 10:20 PM 0 comments

A Weekend of All Sorts

Monday, April 14, 2008

Night Cycling 2008: A Smile for Every Mile went pretty well. Although I started the day at Ghufran with a bit of a tantrum, I must say I managed to control my anger and PMS-ness. I think the fact that I was met an old friend after 2 years of not meeting cheered me up. We couldn't talk much, though. I was busy being a medic and he was busy being a straggler. Join Ghufran for more activities, aight?

My body is still hurting. Cramps all over the place - thighs, arms, calves- everywhere!

The opportunity cost of having fun, eh?

posted by sharmee at 9:29 PM 0 comments

A Moment of Silence, Perhaps

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Taking a walk around Tampines Mall alone after a long time of not stepping afoot there was fun. Two major discoveries - there's a new stationary shop called ArtBox and an authorised Apple reseller, both on level three.

Possible outcomes:

1. My new bookshelf will be filled with notebooks that I can never possibly have the heart to use.
2. I may be gawking at the MacBooks till I can afford it i.e. next year.
3. If I'm missing, do find me at Tampines Mall level 3 because Times is also there.

I spent an hour at Times going through new books and one book that I am itching to read is Paulo Coelho's Brida. It's about a girl who is lost the meaning of love and goes on a journey only to meet two beings, a man and a woman, who help her find her footing back into the game of love.

I found out my top five strengths - command, self-confidence, activator, discipline and futuristic. I've always thought I don't have discipline, but apparently this test that cost me $26.70 is highly accurate. Oh wells, I need to start making full use of my strengths to get my A's.

I realised that every time I am faced with a major national exam, something goes wrong with my relationship with a particular friend somewhere and then things become different and our relationship just worsens. I may have been too overbearing somewhere within the duration of our friendship, but I don't realise it. I feel the distance. I feel like we're no longer friends. What happened to the times we sat down and talked truthfully about issues we want to address? Call me an idiot for reminiscing the past but memories are important to me. It's a matter of a 'hi' in the morning, then a question when concepts are difficult to be understood, and finally a 'bye' when school ends. Am I being too sensitive? I understand it's the A's and you feel the pressure but I feel it too. I understand you have a boyfriend and you want to be with him always, but that does not necessarily mean you ditch your friends.

They say friendships in pre-university are superficial, but I really do want to abandon that saying. Yet you're making my efforts worthless. I've always been supportive of your involvement in things, but I don't see you making the effort to keep this relationship going.

Pardon me for being tactless cause this entry is for the public viewing. But I can't seem to find another way to get to you.

posted by sharmee at 10:22 PM 0 comments


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

First practical was horrendous. It was as horrible as my block tests. Ho hum. There were two other girls in my class just now and all three of us couldn't advance to lesson 2. Duh? Not when you can't even control the clutch and throttle properly. I think it has something to do with my ability to coordinate.

BUT if I can dance, I can ride a bike!

How motivating.

Anyhow, the A levels time-table is finally out (what do you mean by 'finally'???). Apparently the English Literature students end a bit later than those taking MT Literature. The plus point of evaluating a prose or poetry in Malay. So finally, I think the whole class got a wake up call. November isn't that far from now. The moment I look forward to my next birthday, I know that the exams are here.

My studying schedule has been disrupted due to the very wonderful flu bug I caught from God knows who. I'll try to keep awake tonight to finish my Economics mind map I was suppose to finish last night. NAPFA tests are in two weeks, and the pressure is on to at least pass the bloody 2.4 run. Why do we have to be tested for every single aspect in our life? Next thing you know, we'd probably be tested on how to date.
No wait, I think that's already been done in polytechnics.

Anyway, I really want my PW results pronto. And I'm in a Bahas mood again.

Khairi, Me, Sarah and Shaikha.

I just love wearing the college blazer.

And one more thing, primary school love is cute! Ho hum.

posted by sharmee at 11:18 PM 3 comments