I meant to post this last night. I guess I was too happy rejoicing when Obama won the American Presidential Elections.

I was sleeping till about noon yesterday after returning from the airport to study for the entire night. While happily rolling on my bed, stretching my arms and my cat licking my feet begging me to feed her, I suddenly realised the election results were out! It was already midnight on US when I turned on the TV to CNN.


Those words were flashing all over CNN, and even BBC. No words could describe how I felt. I whipped out my phone and messaged the people I knew who would rejoice as I would. Somehow, I was almost crying.

Perhaps I was emotional because my second sister is living the States, particularly Chicago, where Obama was a senator. She got worried about the health care system there, especially after giving birth to Danny. Plus, she was still studying in Uni and expenses don't come in cheap. I kept pestering my brother in law to vote, him being an American citizen, but apparently he was late for work and didn't vote. Nonetheless, Obama still won.

We all want change. The world wants to put a stop to the Iraq War, we want the worst global economic crisis since the Great Depression to end, and we want an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Obama gives us hope.

And in this hope, I decided that I want change as well. A levels are coming to an end, and I want to start a new chapter elsewhere with new things to blog about. No more teenage rantings from me, and no more talk about the latest Britney Spears song 'Womanizer'.

Adieu, Blogger. Four years here have brought me the occasional happiness and mood swings. But a future awaits me. It's time I leave the past behind and move forward.

As of today, I have shifted. Read my future posts at www.sharmeee.wordpress.com

It's an extra 'e' to 'sharmee' at wordpress.